A Reflection on Metaskills
Introduction Have you heard about metaskills? This is a framework that the SQA have devised that allows us to reflect on many of the skills and qualities that we have. It also allows us to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses highlighting what we might want to improve on. When I reflected on this framework I realised that my self-management, social intelligence and ability to innovate didn't just magically happen overnight. They emerged over time. So I wanted to write this with a view to sharing my own experience and to highlight some ways that other people might consider developing their metaskills too. So here are two things that I'd like you, the reader, to think about. 1. Focusing on the Important Bits. As a student when I began studying maths, I really found it hard to focus. Maths was boring and hard, and there were lots of distractions around. I wanted to be able to go out with my friends, play some music,...